Monday, April 15, 2024

Traditional Chinese Medicines

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) had been practiced in China for over 5000 years. But until today, we still have no scientific basis to confirm these medicines are safe and sound. Clinical trials are expensive. Except pharmaceutical giants, who else would want to carry out the research? Moreover, why would the pharmaceutical giants want to allow TCM to compete with them? However, are all the drugs which have been clinically tested safe and effective? Have you ever heard of an illness which the Western medicine has failed but was cured with TCM? Many of those herbs used in TCM can be grown in your backyard. And we cannot claim a patent for any one of these herbs. This is the reason why very little research has been carried out on those herbs. So far, I have heard of one drug used for treating coronary heart disease, had been passed by the United States Food and Drug Administration, Phase II clinical trials in 2010. For the herbs to be more effective, you need to boil them raw. The powdered forms are less effective. The side-effects for Western drugs are very common, but for the Chinese herbs it is almost unknown. TCM complements conventional treatment by building up the body resistance. It takes about a week for the body condition to improve with herbal medication. TCM focuses on the patient as a whole. For Western medicine, it is focused only on the disease. Needles inserted at specific points in the body known as meridians can unblock energy channels. The Western trained doctors have yet to accept this fact. When I said pig’s lung, fried with ginger, could cure 100 day cough, a medical doctor disagreed with me. He simply laughed it off! In Asia, people use Thymus vulgaris to clean up the blocked arteries. Raw and fresh Thymus vulgaris, 300 grams, are boiled with three bowls of potable water, until only one bowl of water is left in the pot. And then cool the pot down and drink the water. It is said after taking three times, once every other day, patients confirmed the blockages were cleared. Do your own research to confirm it. Since the beginning of the 20th century the Jews had been aggressively working hard to lander the good reputation of the TCM because they were not able to compete with the Chinese on an equal ground. Now you should know why they are fueling the flames of discontent by putting all the blames on the Chinese.

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