Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Cina Kebun Story

These fellows have to sell their houses, lands, pigs, buffaloes, cows, goats, and ayam segun to send their children abroad for higher studies. I think other races also suffer the same faith to a certain degree. One Kadazan told me his grandmother had to sell one big pig to provide the money for him to appear for the Senior Cambridge School Certificate Examinations. Those are very sensitive questions in my country. For my country, the natives are given the privileges. One of these privileges is the places of universities. More than 85% of those places are reserved for the natives. I had to compete with the nonnatives for the less than 15% places. And the competition is indeed very tough. Very few of the Cina Kebun children ever return to their home country after completing their studies abroad. At the foreign colleges, they were often asked the same question: Why do you have to come here to read for a degree? Don’t you have universities in your own country? Almost all of them either settle down in Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, or Singapore. Very soon, China would be a country of their choice too.The unique thing about these Cina Kebun is that they are well disciplined and are much appreciated by those foreign employers.

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