Monday, April 15, 2024

Brief Introduction on Meditation

The real problems people from all over the world face are in the deep-down ache of the heart, which do not go anywhere. They are always with us. These ups and downs of life remain, regardless of whatever religion you may profess, whatever fame or wealth you may own. Terrified and paralyzed with fear, they look for others who may have the power to remove their sins or ills. Negative thinking contaminates our mind and sends out negative force. Positive thinking emits positive energy and brings harmony and peace. Clinging hampers the body healing process and also causes new illness or worsen our physical condition. Remain neutral regardless of what you see, hear, smell or experience. Once the mind is concentrated, you experience joy and happiness. Speak at the right times, it must be truthful, sweet to the ears, beneficial and imbue with loving kindness. The physical brain matures as people age. But the spiritual mind must also mature. Meditation is one of the techniques needed to modify the habit patterns of the mind. The body is only a combination of elements or a group of changing aggregates. But each person has that Buddha nature which needs time to mature. As a person progresses slowly the Buddha nature too is developing. The flow of bodily and mental processes go on. The child is not the same as the adolescent, nor is the adolescent the same as the adult. Are they the different persons? The concept of an ego is an illusion; it is not real either in this life or in the hereafter. Don’t you agree the insubstantial clouds look solid to us? During times of disaster, sickness, and difficulties, mindfulness meditation may help you to tolerate them in a better manner. Meditation may cure migraines, and overcome drug addiction, and may lower systolic blood pressure from 5 to 8 mmHg for about 12 hours and the diastolic pressure by 6 to 8 mm Hg for about 8 hours. Relaxation create nitric oxide which opens up your blood vessels. Meditators have higher telomerase activity than non-meditators. Telomerase is the enzyme which helps build telomeres. Greater telomerase activity can translate into stronger and longer telomeres which enable us to live longer. Meditation puts your body into a state of deep rest, and is better at reducing pain than morphine. It could reduce pain intensity by 40%. Morphine & other pain relieving drugs reduce pain only by 25 %. Five benefits of walking meditation: endurance for practicing dhamma, endurance for walking long distances, (for example practitioners can walk up to three hours continuously on normal road, regardless of their age), good health, concentration attained is long lasting; more confident, calmer, wiser, find greater tranquility, a sense of wholeness, and able to face our fears For the advanced practitioners, after having transcended any sexual inclination, they experience an unprecedented pleasure, happiness and quietude. There is neither attachment nor aversion for any worldly object. He or she attains a level of perfect bliss. To lighten your kamma, you need to practice vipassana meditation. This practice is itself a good deed, and you expiate the previous bad kamma, and create new good kamma. Mindfulness can be practice the whole day. When we are not negligent, we are mindful. The devils love the idle minds. Mind must always have an object, bring it to the present. Those worldly objects actually imprison and ensnare the mind. Nimittas are the lights you see during meditation. These are metal signs. For most people, they are beautiful lights of various colours, e.g. while, blue, purple, grey, yellow, orange etc. Sometimes they are bright and unstable, vibrating of flashing and changing shapes, like the clouds.    Some people also see eye, eyes or faces when their r eyes are closed. These are very normal and we should not be attached to them for our own safety.   She only reached that level. For more advance practisioner, within few minutes after the nimitta, maybe few hours, days, months, or years, ( depending on how well you have practised so far)Jhana will happen by themselves later on.    According the the Buddha : for one who indulges in Jhana, four results are to be expected : Stream-Winner, Once-Returner, Non-Returner, or Arahant.

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