Friday, July 19, 2019

South China Seas Problems

The US recently pledged one US patrol craft to the Vietnamese navy, because the Chinese have occupied those hotly disputed islands in the South China Sea. China had reclaimed 2000 acres of land by 2015, and a 3Km runway for handling fighter jets. Some of the ASEAN countries don’t wish to make a choice between China and the US, except the Philippines and Vietnam. Obama administration has no consensus answer to stop Chinese muscle-flexing. Why did the US invite a CNN crew on board a surveillance flight over islands claimed by China, and broadcasted the radio challenges by Chinese military on the ground? Under internaltional law, a nation controls 12 nautical miles around islands and coasts. In this case everyone has a different idea of where he stands between China and US. Should US back Japan at any price? You must know what is behind the masks? The most pressing problem facing those hotly disputed islands is not in the Chinese court. Some countries still imagine they can ask for assistance to fight the Chinese, not knowing that readiness for combat has decline in those countries. The military dominance of the West and the US has lost its edge. Their military capacity has shrunk, even in the US. The most serious issue facing those countries which they expect can help them is domestic terrorism which is more threatening than the Russian armed forces. The West and the US have lost their military edge. Many nations say Beijing has maritime and territorial ambitions, which is not true. Beijing is only protecting what was under Chinese rule for more than 2000 years. Is it wrong to protect your land? If the other countries can understand this fact the diplomatic tussle will vanish. These countries which try to agitate Beijing simply wish to hold on resolutely even though they are facing unfavourable circumstances. I have also noticed that they are doing their best to ethnically and religiously divide China, mostly by using the students to revolt against Beijing. China will be the technological and entrepreneurial powerhouse within the next few years. If they want to destroy China, they will have to look for more than eight nations to attack China now. Their grandfathers did that more than 100 years ago, shamefully with eight nations against China. Why is the US pressuring on China by publicizing a surveillane flight over contested islands in the South China Sea? The P8-A Poseidon approached Fiery Cross Reef, and Mischief Reef, and flew over them. The P8-A Poseidon passed over the reef where Chinese construction of an airfield of about 15 000 feet was going on. No doubt, Chinese dredging activity provoked a diplomatic protest from Manila in February 2015. But that Chinese territory was listed as early as 2000 years ago. Where were Manila and US at that time? US aircraft’s crew rebuffed eight warnings during its flight, saying that was international airspace. The aggressor violated Chinese sovereignty, and did not feel ashamed about it. Oil tankers from the Middle East, and container ships plying between Asia and Europe, and commercial flights need to use that portion of the South China Sea. But there is a civilized way to solve the issue. The Chinese is merely catching up with rivals who have also built airfields and other infrastructure there on their own islets and reefs. Why are US spy planes routinely patrolling China’s coast?

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